Friends, there are a lot of people who are very interested to write articles. Blogging is one of the best options for them to earn money. In this post, I am going to explain how to start a blog and make money.

Here I will explain all points regarding a new blog and make money. Please read the full article carefully.

1: Buy a Domain

First of all, you have to buy a domain that should be short and remember people early. It doesn’t matter that you are buying .com, .in, or .org. It doesn’t affect SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

2: Buy a Good Hosting Plan

The second work is that you have to buy a good hosting plan. There are so many companies like Godaddy, Hostinger, ResellerClub, and many more providing the hosting.

One thing that you should keep in mind while buying hosting is that the hosting speed should be good. And buy hosting from the hosting company that gives you full support.

3: Install WordPress

After purchasing the domain and hosting, you have to install WordPress. It is easy to use and install. You don’t need to be a developer because WordPress is very easy to create a website. You have to put things here there only.

4: SSL Certificate is Compulsory

Google has announced recently that those who have SSL certificates, they will be ranked first. If your website is not secure then people don’t trust your website or blog.

 Almost hosting companies are providing SSL certificates free. You need to install it only on your website.

5: How To Write An Article

 After installing WordPress and set up your website header and footer, you have to start writing. You have to keep some points in your mind while writing.

How To Earn Money Online From Home

a) Focus on Readability

You have to focus on readability that your sentence should be short and easy to read. You have to write a small paragraph. People don’t like to read long paragraphs.

You need to focus on the green while writing. I am showing you below an example of readability.

How to write an article

b) Focus on Heading

You need to focus on heading because people stay on your website for a few times. You have to explain your thought in the form of heading. People don’t like to read big paragraphs but also small paragraphs with headings.

How to write an article

c) Don’t Use Long Sentences

Your sentences should be short and easy to read. If you are writing long sentences and difficult to read then it will affect your article.

d) Keyword Stuffing

Some people think that they will put keywords, again, and again, their article will rank fast. But it’s a bad thing which will affect your article. You don’t need to do keyword stuffing.

e) Keyword Density

Your keyword density should be 3% only. For example, if you have written a 100 words article then you have to use your keyword 3 times only.

f) Add Social Sharing Buttons

You need to add social media sharing buttons on your website or blog. After writing your article, you have to share your article on all the social media platforms. With the help of this technique, you can increase your website traffic.

g) Mobile SEO

You also know that 70% of searches on mobile. You can’t get far on search engine results if you have not optimized for mobile. You have to focus on long-tail keywords for mobile optimization.

If you follow the above all steps to writing your article then it will be beneficial and rank fast on Google SERP.

Optimize New Website’s Pages

1: Home Page

a) Make It Simple: Your home page must be simple and light. You have to use a light theme and don’t use multiple colors on your website. For example, Google, Twitter, Facebook use a light theme.

b) Fast Loading Speed: You don’t need to use HD images because your website speed might be slow. You have to use compress images and good hosting services.

Difference Between Technical SEO and On-Page SEO

How to do On-Page SEO 2021

c) Navigation Must Be Clear: Your Menu bar, header, and footer must be clear. Focus on menu font size, color, because it will create a bad user experience.

d) Heading – Easy To Read: Headings are one of the important parts of your website or blog. Headings attract your visitors and easy to read and understand. Write headings easy to read and understandable.

2: About Us

a) Who You Are: In this section, you have to show clearly who you are, your experience, and many more qualities about yourself.

b) History: You need to tell your visitors about your histories like what’s your past achievement, awards, and many more.

c) Exactly Business Does: After creating a website or blog, you have to show that what exactly you do. You have to show your business nature and your products.

d) Offer Your Services: What services you are offering to clients? You need to mention this in your services section. Your service section should be such that people go there and immediately understand what you do.

3: Contact Us

a) Contact Form: If you have started your business then you need a contact form. Because people will come to your website and inquire about your products and services. Therefore it is important to have a contact form on your website.

b) Live Chat: There are some customers that they want to come to your website and chat with you live. You should also have a live chat option for that.

c) Phone Number & Address: How will people reach you if you do not show your phone number and address on your website? So it is important that your website should have your address and phone number.

d) Map Location: Sometimes it happens that the customer has trouble in finding your address. Map location works very well in this situation. Map location is the best option for a small business.

4: Blog Section

a) Get Engagement (Ebook, Infographics, and Videos): If you have made a website of your own, then you also have to add a blog section. Through the blog, you have to share your business videos, infographics, ebooks, etc.

b) Show Your Expertise: In which work you are expert, you have to tell people through blog. This will make your business grow very quickly.

How to Write Unique Article | Google Adsense Approval Fast

5: Who Your Audiences

a) What They Want: First of all, you have to find out who is your audience and what they want. After doing research on your audience, you have to make a better plan for them.

b) How You Can Provide: What is your customer’s demand and how can you fulfill them? How you can provide your products and services to them, you have to mention it.

Apply For Google Adsense and Make Money

  1. Write a minimum of 20 to 25 articles
  2. Every article should be unique (don’t do the copy-paste)
  3. Every article should have a minimum 500 words
  4. Don’t use a free domain
  5. Your blog or website should be a minimum of 1 month old
  6. Create about us, contact us, terms & conditions, disclaimer, and privacy policy pages.
  7. Create social accounts

If you want to know in detail regarding Google Adsense approval, please read the full article here:

How To Apply For Google Adsense Approval 


As we have discussed in the above post that how to start a blog and make money. I think that these steps will help you. You have to focus on these steps and start your own blog and make money.

If you have writing skills then you can write and make money. But before writing, you need a domain, hosting, and a website. Don’t waste your time and do all the things immediately.