It is a question of many people, or many people remain confused that what is the difference between technical SEO and on-page SEO. In this post, we will talk about both types of SEO.

Many beginners are confused because they feel that both technical SEO and on-page SEO are the same. But there is a lot of difference between them.

Technical SEO is different and on-page SEO is different.

Today we will learn how we can implement them.

Technical SEO

This is actually done at Website Level, commonly referred to as Technical SEO. It means that whatever kind of changes we make at the whole website level, it is called Technical SEO.

Technical SEO

1- XML Sitemap in Place:- If we create an XML sitemap, it is for our entire website and not just for one page.
This type of process is called Technical SEO.

2- Robots.txt:- If we create a robots.txt file, it is for our entire website and not just for one page. This type of process is also called Technical SEO.

3- Https:- If we redirect our website from HTTP to HTTPS, then such changes also happen at our website level not just for one page.

4- Mobile Responsiveness:- We have to respond to our website mobile. And this change also happens on our entire website level.

5- Permalink Structure:- It is also done on our entire website level.

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On-Page SEO

Changes that we make on just one web page, it is called On-Page SEO. These changes will be for one specific page only. They have nothing to do with the whole website.

But many times we make such changes which are for the whole website level. If I make a change, then all the pages on the website will affect them all.

All such changes can affect our entire website, it is called Technical SEO.

Technical SEO

1- Page Titles/Descriptions:- If we talk about page title and description, then it is different for every page. All the pages will have different titles and descriptions.

And this change happens only for our webpage and not the whole website. It depends on all these factors like:

  • What is the keyword of that page?
  • How is the content on that page?
  • Where do we want to rank that page?

2- Keywords in H1/Keywords in Content:- If we want to put keywords of our website in H1 and content then we also do this process in on-page SEO.

3- Image Alt Text/Internal Links:- These two factors have also come in On-Page SEO. This is the entire process of On-Page SEO.

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SO friends, In the above post, we saw how we can do technical SEO and on-page SEO.

In this way, it became clear that these two processes are different. It means when we do the changes in the entire website level, it is called Technical SEO.

When we do the changes for just one page, it is called On-Page SEO.

Many students are confused that these two SEO are the same. When someone asked what types of SEO, They say that Off-Page SEO and On-Page SEO.

In this way, we have to understand that these two are different.

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