Even before that, I have written a post that was on pornography. And today I am writing a post on masturbation and I want our youth to read this post completely. Protect yourself from watching porn movies and doing masturbation. In this post, I will explain the side effects of masturbation.

This is a common disease that is growing very fast. Our youth are wasting their power with their hands. And there is only one reason for this and that is watching porn movies.

So, please read the full article carefully because I am going to explain the side effects and causes of masturbation.

Once upon a time, watching a porn movie was a very difficult task, but today it has become very easy.

In today’s time, everyone has a smartphone and internet, which made this task easy. And this internet has ruined the lives of many people and is doing it.

If you use it right then it is a very good thing for you and if used incorrectly, then there is no worse thing than this.

For this, today we talk about the reasons for masturbation, side effects, and ways of survival.

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Causes of Masturbation

Avoid watching porn movies

According to research, 90% of people have a mobile phone and 60% to 70% of people are using the internet. In today’s time, both the internet and porn materials are free, due to which it is difficult to avoid pornography. To avoid masturbation, the first thing you need to do is to not visit the porn website. It is one of the big sources of masturbation.

Avoid reading sex magazines and stories

Along with this, some people read sex magazines, due to which they are unable to control themselves and waste their power with their hands. So you have to avoid reading such sex magazines and stories.

Avoid girl’s affair

It has also been observed that people who have a relationship with girls, talk to girls on the phone overnight, then such people also become victims of masturbation. So we should avoid all these things before marriage.

Why masturbation is so dangerous

Side Effects Of Masturbation

1: Get Angry Soon

Those who do masturbation get angry quickly and stay in tension all the time. They feel bad about everything and they don’t feel like doing anything.

2: Weakening of memory

Another disadvantage of masturbation is that memory becomes weak. Don’t even remember anything written or read. Such a person’s brain becomes very weak.

3: Decreased facial brightness

Another side effect of masturbation is that the face of a person turns pale. And the glow of the face completely dissipates and the eyes penetrate.

And he keeps thinking all the time that he will leave this job today and leave tomorrow but his life is ruining.

And he gets accustomed to it and keeps masturbation every time he sees a naked picture.

Some other side effects of masturbation:

  • The hair of the head quickly turns gray
  • Kidneys go bad
  • Becomes so weak that only the living remains dead
  • Due to very low sperm in the money, the wife is unable to become pregnant.
  • Digest system goes bad and can’t digest anything quickly
  • The power to think is gone

Why masturbation is so dangerous

How To Avoid Masturbation

  • Keep your mind clear
  • Don’t watch porn movies
  • Whenever you use the internet, do not do it alone but sit with someone.
  • Do wuzoo before going to bed
  • Join a gym and start the exercise
  • Protect yourself from girls
  • Do not look at unknown girls
  • Do Salah 5 times
  • Make sure I never do masturbation now
  • Be with good people

Effects Of Watching Pornography | Causes, and Solutions


Friends, you have seen what are the reasons for masturbation and how our youth are ruining their lives. In this post, I have explained the side effects and causes of masturbation.

So we have to protect ourselves from these things and save others as well.

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