It goes without saying that when you turn 18, you are officially an adult. However, at that age, the world is still against you. This is especially true if you plan on moving out. It does not matter what is the purpose of your move (the need for freedom, strict parents, a desire for an adventure, etc.), moving at 18 is going to be extremely stressful and complex. You probably do not have a lot of money to work with, and you may not even have your parents’ consent, so this process may seem impossible right now. But, do not worry, there is a way to move out at 18 and actually afford it. You just have to be creative, resourceful, and hard-working. We are also here to help you out! So, here are some tips and tricks that can help you move out and not break the budget.
Make Sure You Have Some Savings First
As much as you want to move out as soon as you turn 18, you can not do it without money. So, unless you have some savings, or unless your parents are willing to give you their savings, it is necessary to earn some money first. The best way to do that is to get a job. You can, for example, get a part-time job working at a coffee shop, a supermarket, or whatever is available in your area. Or, you can even consider working online as a freelancer. In today’s day and age, there are plenty of ways to earn money from home – you can work as a blogger, a content writer, you can even get money from YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. Explore your options and find a job you can do that will help you save up money for your move. But, be careful with that money! Do not spend it if not absolutely necessary – once you move out, you will need every dollar you can get!
Then, Get a Job as Soon as You Move Out
As previously said, if you want to move out at 18, you will need to have some savings. However, you can not rely on those forever. Money disappears in no time – you will soon see that. Thus, leave those savings for rainy days if possible and try to find a job. This time, you will have to find a full-time – job that will be able to pay your rent, utilities, groceries, education, entertainment, etc. Life is expensive, be prepared for that! Of course, you are not expected to find a high-paying job right at the beginning – you still do not have proper skills and experience. In order words, do not be too picky, start with any job and do your best to work your way up. That is the only way to move out at 18 and ensure not going back to your parents’ house in a couple of months. So, what are you waiting for? Prepare your interview outfit, put a smile on your face and be ready to ace that job.
Find a Place to Live
Moving out at 18, or moving at any age for that matter, implies going to another home. So, do you know where you are going to live from now on? You cannot stay in hostels forever; you need permanent housing. Luckily, today, there are plenty of ways to live on a budget. You can, for example, rent a small apartment somewhere a bit further from the city center. Or, you can find a roommate. You can even consider communal living. And, if you plan on enrolling in college anytime soon, you can even go to a dorm room, to an off-campus shared home, or a fraternity or sorority house. These are all affordable solutions, so think about each and every one. Find what works best for you, but always think about your budget.

Living with roommates is always a good idea when you are 18 – it is cheaper and a lot more fun than living alone.
Pack Light
Keep in mind that you will probably be living in some tiny apartment or in just one room. This means clutter, crowd, mess, and chaos. Thus, make an effort to bring less stuff. Pack only what is absolutely necessary for you. There is no need to overcrowd your new living space with all the items you owned until now. Pack only the things that you know you will wear and use. Do not forget to make room in your ‘luggage’ for kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom essentials, as well as for some of those most important pieces of furniture and household knick-knacks. This is a lot of stuff, but do your best to pack as light as possible to avoid cluttering your new home. Packing light is also crucial as it will save you money. Just think about it – less stuff means less space, and less space means cheaper rent and cheaper moving costs.

Declutter before moving out.
Get Your Priorities Straight
It may sound like bad news, but if you want to move out at 18 and afford it, you will have to make many sacrifices. Most of them you will not like – but hey, that is the price of starting a new life alone. You may need to stop doing your hobbies, eating out, going out every weekend, etc. The chances of not having enough money in your budget for that are extremely big, so be prepared. Learn how to cut corners everywhere, learn how to cook at home, and learn how to be satisfied with all of that. If you can not go swimming twice a week as you used before, change that hobby for something else. For example, start a blog (and make money) about swimming or some other hobby you had. Who knows, maybe this new hobby of yours will turn into a profitable side job.