As the last semester approaches, a sense of nostalgia takes over, reminding everyone of the good old days in college. The students start to spend more time with each other, doing fun activities, whether it be watching a football match on Cox cable or just hanging out at the bar. Also, some of them even make interesting pacts. Let’s discuss things to do before graduating college.

It’s all very emotional knowing that the people you used to attend college with will soon no longer be there. Everyone will become busy in their own professional life. However, before that happens, you must focus on making as many memories as possible. And for that, you can do the following ten things before your graduation. 

1. Binge At Your College Cafeteria

This is the place where you might have spent most of your time with your friends. So, since you are going to be in your final semester soon, make sure to continue to hang out with your friends at the cafeteria. Because one, you will miss the food! And the second, you will get to make more memories with your friends as you gossip and have a fun time. Therefore, relax and keep having fun. 

2. Explore Your College 

Students are always in a rush to get to their classes. Are you one of them? If yes, then there are definitely going to be some spots in your college that you might not have explored. So, get exploring! Take a stroll through your college and visit those spots that you probably would have missed with your friends. And you will be surprised to know just how much you have missed! This will also make a fascinating college adventure. 

3. Confess Your Love

Do you have a person in your life that you really like? Well, it’s time to tell him/her about your feelings! College is going to end soon, and you should never keep your feelings inside. Instead, express it and do it freely. There is no harm in telling the person you like how you feel. So, don’t miss out on a potential relationship. Just muster up all that courage and take the chance. Otherwise, you will regret it for the rest of your life. And maybe the other person feels the same about you. 

4. Plan a Trip

Since you will be graduating soon, it is the perfect time to go on a trip that you have been planning for ages with your friends. This trip is going to be important for you because it will not only be refreshing, but you will also get to make a lot of memories. Also, you may not get this chance again when everyone steps into the real world. Please think about how to start the business as a teen also.

5. Write Your Future Self a Letter

Sometimes, life gets difficult. And when it does, you feel like giving up but don’t! Instead, take some time out and write down a letter to your future self. In that letter, you can explain all the things you are going through. Also, write how you want things to be in the future. And while you are it, don’t forget to show love and care for yourself. 

6. Have A Night Out with Your Friends

There’s nothing like having a night out with your friends. And since your final semester is going to be starting soon, make frequent plans to head out and just have fun. If you are not the kind of person to go out, invite your buddies to your apartment and play video games, and order food! You have to cherish these moments as these are the ones that you are going to remember the most in the future. 

7. Plan A Solo Trip 

Sure, going on a trip with your friends is the best thing ever. However, you should also try traveling solo. This will teach you to be self-sufficient and how you can be comfortable with your own self. This will be an enlightening experience for you, and depending on where you are going, things may never be the same for you. You will have a completely different perspective of everything. 

8. Go Outside Your Comfort Zone

College is the ideal place where you can test yourself by trying new things. This exploration is not the same for every student. Also, there’s no right or wrong way when it comes to getting outside your comfort zone. If you expose yourself to new perspectives, ideas, people, and experiences, then this will take you in new directions, giving you more confidence to face the hurdles of life.

9. Join A Club 

This is a must! After all, it’s not all about the grades. You have to take part in extracurricular activities or join different clubs because it is going to enhance your social skills. This will be giving you a platform where you can establish friendships and get to know people. So, start volunteering or become a part of a fun club. 

10. Take a Day Off and Do What You Like

You may not want it, but it is important. So, take a day off and do whatever you want. You will be having the entire day to yourself. Therefore, think about all the fun activities that you can do. You can even sleep the entire day if you want.

It is all about resting yourself and being relaxed. After all, you won’t be getting much relaxation once college life is over. You can make a plan for a job or you can start an online job (work from home).


There is nothing like college life. However, the sad reality is that one day you will graduate. And the friends you made during this time will all be having their separate lives. Also, it won’t be a surprise if you don’t see most of them after college. Life becomes much more serious after this. So, before you start your professional life, try to live every moment that you got left. You can do the aforementioned things to make sure that you don’t miss out on anything.